
Friday, August 17, 2012

Anytime Vegetable Salad

Introducing Anytime Vegetable Salad.  I have made this salad about a zillion times, and change it up a bit each time.  It's just that kind of recipe.  Throw in a mix of whatever veggies you like and away you go.  It is bright, colorful, healthy and delicious!

Anytime Vegetable Salad
recipe adapted a lot from Gaida De Laurentis, Food Network

2 cups shelled edamame soy beans
1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
8 oz. yellow/red/orange pepper, in inch pieces
8 oz. fresh corn, lightly cooked and removed from cob
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
3 TB extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons chopped fresh basil
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Spritzes of white truffle oil (optional)

Cook edamame in a large pot of boiling water until crisp-tender, about 3 minutes.  OR, if you purchase the steam-in-the-bag kind, do that instead!  Rinse the edamame with cold water once cooked, then drain well and pat dry.  Repeat with the fresh corn.  Pile all of the vegetables in a big bowl and gently mix them together.

Whisk vinegar, oil, herbs, salt and pepper in a small bowl.  Pour atop the vegetables.  I add a secret ingredient - spritzes of White Truffle Oil.  Yippee!  I found this in the Home Store section of Marshalls for just a couple of dollars and it is awesome.  Spritz this on the top and you get that nice earthy flavor.  Mmmm.  If you don't have such an item, no worries the salad is still great!

Options:  I always use the edamame and tomatoes.  The other veggies, I mix up depending on the season, my mood, whatever.  I have used green beans, artichoke hearts, yellow wax beans, etc.  Whatever makes you happy!  
Printable Recipe

This is great for pot-lucks or parties.  You can easily double the recipe and make it in advance.  If you are worried about the dressing, mix it in a small screw-top jar and add prior to serving.


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