
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Best Fudge Brownies Ever!

I know.  The title of this post may seem to be a bit of a brag.  However, I would argue that it is not bragging, it is simply fact.  For one thing, I didn't actually name the brownies.  This recipe is from King Arthur Flour and used to be printed on the back of their bags of all-purpose flour.  (It isn't anymore, which is a true shame.  In fact, this exact recipe isn't even on their website!  There is something close but not the same and it has pretty mixed reviews.  Strange.)  For another, whenever I make these brownies, the compliments abound.  And then they keep abounding for days and even months after consumption!  Friends ask me to bring these brownies to events.  I once made these brownies for a function in my neighborhood and now I will run into people randomly who will say, "are you the brownie lady?".  It is crazy.  And it is true.  These brownies are simply THAT GOOD.  I will give you a caveat of warning however.  These brownies have ruined me for other brownies.  Often I can't even bring myself to try other brownies at events, and if I do I am constantly comparing them to these in my head, and simply put no brownie stands up to the comparison!  Your feelings towards brownies may forever change with this recipe.  Consider yourself warned.

I wish I was a better photographer so you could see the melted chocolate chips oozing out of the brownies.  I promise they are there.  

You might be asking, are they "fudgy or cakey", as that tends to be the big question with brownies.  I would hazard to say that these are a bit of both, though maybe they tend a bit more towards the fudgy side.  I have pondered this fudgy vs cakey question a lot with these brownies and I never really come to a solid decision.  I guess that just means I need to make another batch and try to figure it out again!

Start with 2 sticks (1 cup) of butter.  Melt it on the stove or in the microwave, and then add 2 1/4 cups sugar.  Put the bowl back to heat enough to get it all hot again but not bubbling.  It will look shiny.  I stick my bowl in the microwave for a few seconds just to get to that shiny stage.  This helps to dissolve the sugar and gives you the nice shiny top crust on the brownies.  Transfer the butter/sugar mixture to a mixing bowl.  (I forgot to do this here, so ignore the fact that my bowl is the same in the next photo!)

To the butter/sugar mixture, stir in cocoa, salt, baking powder and vanilla.  Here is where we discover one of my secret weapons:  Rodelle Baking Cocoa.  I am not sure how I discovered this one but it is a real keeper.  It is amazing.  If you can find it near you, I highly suggest giving it a try.  It's dark and smooth and really chocolate-y.   For my readers in Texas, I get mine at the HEB grocery store.  It is worth noting that when I googled "Rodelle Baking Cocoa" I found a link to someone who claims they found some at Costco.  I have never seen this but will absolutely keep my eye out for some!  That would make me so thrilled to get this product in bulk!!   

Add the eggs and beat until smooth.  Then add the flour and the chocolate chips and beat until combined.  The mixture will be very thick.

Spoon the batter into a lightly greased 9x13-inch pan.  This batter will not pour.  It is way too thick for pouring!  It will sort of glop out and you will have to spread it with a spatula to even it out.

Here is the pan before going in the oven.  Amazing yummy brownie batter next to secret weapon number 2:  Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips.  These are the best chocolate chips ever, in my humble opinion.  They sell these gigantic bags of them at Sam's club, so whenever my parents are in town we have to go to Sam's so I can stock up on chocolate chips.  (They have a Sam's membership and I don't!) 

Bake at 350F for 28-30 minutes.  These are a bit tricky to tell when they are done, as if you just stick in a toothpick or cake tester, you are likely to hit a chocolate chip and thus have a gooey result.  I would suggest sticking it in and then wiggling it around a bit so you can actually SEE the inside to make sure the batter part is done.  Once you cut the brownies, no one will see where you did this wiggling technique.  The brownies will be set on the sides and center.  Once they are out of the oven for about 5 minutes, loosen the edges with a table knife.  This helps to prevent the brownies from sinking in the center as they cool.

Now comes the hardest part.  Cool completely before cutting and serving.  It is agony.  Your house will smell absolutely divine but you must wait.  If you cut them too early, they tend to all fall apart and you won't get nice squared edges.  If that is okay with you, then by all means, dig in!  However if you want your cookies to look neat and pretty, you really do need to let them cool.  Do something fun to distract yourself for a bit.  Then slice the brownies into as many as you like.  I usually cut the brownies into 2 dozen treats, but I have also cut them into really small, bite sized brownies.  Or you could make them really big and serve them with a scoop of ice cream on top for dessert.  However you serve them, they will be a hit.  I promise!

The Best Fudge Brownies Ever
adapted from King Arthur Flour
1 cup (2 sticks/8 oz.) butter
2 1/4 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups Dutch-process cocoa
1/2 teaspoon salt (If you use UNSALTED butter, increase this to 1 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 TB vanilla extract
4 large eggs
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350F and lightly grease a 9 x 13-inch pan.

In a medium microwave-safe bowl or a saucepan over low heat, melt the butter.  Add the sugar and stir to combine.  Return the bowl to he heat (or microwave) briefly until it is hot but not bubbling.  The mixture will become shiny looking as you stir it.  This helps to dissolve more of the sugar, which yields a shiny top crust on the brownies.  Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl.

Stir in the cocoa, salt, baking soda and vanilla.  Add the eggs, beating until smooth.  Add the flour and chips, beating until well combined.  Spoon into the prepared pan.

Bake for 28-30 minutes, until a cake tester inserted and wiggled around in the center displays cooked batter.  The brownies will feel set on the edges and the center.  Remove from the oven.  After about 5 minutes, loosen the edges with a table knife to prevent the brownies from sinking in the center as they cool.  Allow to cool completely before cutting and serving.
Yield:  2 dozen brownies, depending on how you slice them!
Printable Recipe

Have a glass of milk and enjoy the best fudge brownie ever.  Mmmmm.  They are divine.


  1. I can always trust King Arthur! These look delicious.
    This is my 4th try to publish--hope I get it right.

    1. Thanks for visiting (and trying to publish your comment a few times - sorry)! This is a great brownie recipe. King Arthur will not steer you wrong on this one!


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