
Monday, September 24, 2012

My First Quilt Block!

I made my first quilt block for the clever girl's quilt!  I even lined up the print!  Yippee!  I am really pleased with it and am ready to tackle some more.  A whole lot more, for that matter.  I have lots of blocks to go!  Let's get this quilt moving....  I intended to get working on the quilt a while back but it just didn't happen.  However now that I have started, I can't wait to sew more! 

I am excited to get all of the squares done and figure out how to arrange them all.  I still have no idea as to how I will go about actually quilting this thing, but I am hoping for a quilting epiphany.  It could happen, right?

For more info about the quilt I am making, click on the link above and it will take you to my first description about this project.

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