
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Quilt Top is finished!!

I am so excited!  I finished sewing together the blocks for the clever girl's quilt top!  You may recall my posts about deciding to make a quilt and sewing the first block.  My goal was to finish sewing all of the blocks by the time my mom came to visit for Halloween, and I accomplished that goal!  Then I realized that if I plan to get this quilt done by Christmas, I really needed to bust a move, so I set to work getting the blocks sewn together.  I just finished this morning.  I was so excited I took a photo right away and sat down to put it on the blog!

My next step is the backing.  I have the fabric for that already so it shouldn't be so bad.  I also need to purchase fabric for the quilt binding.

I had been wondering what to do about actually QUILTING the quilt.  Well, I have decided.  Though I really do want to learn to quilt, and I am quite certain Ruby (my sewing machine) is completely capable of doing so, I have decided to pay someone to do the quilting.  I know!  I feel a bit guilty.  I never pay someone to do something I think I can do myself.  However, I do want this quilt finished by Christmas and I still need to
  1. make a bedskirt
  2. make pillow-shams
  3. make curtains
  4. construct the actual bed!!
  5. oh, and get ready for Christmas!
Plus, I am not sure that learning to quilt on a project this size is the smartest idea.  I hold no aspirations to this quilt being "perfect", but I do want it to look nice and get finished.  

So, on to making the quilt back and getting the material for the binding.  Progress, progress!!


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